Tuesday 28 June 2011

cycling and mental health

As you maybe aware, my dear friend and all round good-egg Simon Lamb has long been an inspirational figure for me. He is also a great exponent for cycling and mental well being. Simply visit his blog site la gazzetta della bici and read how cycling can help.

 My point i want to make follows Simon's musings. I have also believed cycling to beneficial to mental well being. My Dr long ago suggested exercise would be good for helping me cope with  depression following the birth of my daughter.(she was born with a potentially terminal illness) It took a few years to figure out cycling was helping me. but once my doctor and i figured out i was better after 4 hours on the bike we decided it would help no ends if i tried to cycle as often as i could. It did me the world of good. Whilst i wasn't fast, or strong, or able to climb hills and was generally rubbish. i enjoyed every minute. I don't know why it worked. but i try and quantify it by saying it is meditative. Buddhists believe meditation is the key to balance in their lives, I sort of get this. I can meditate given the right circumstances. but cycling is so much easier. Get on the bike head down and spin for 2-4hours. no talking no thinking just pedalling.

I've let this slip of late. things in my life are.....well....shit. no wait SHIT!  My marriage of 15yrs is over. I am still struggling as a non-discharged bankrupt and work is so busy i generally work around 60 hours a week. this means its not always possible to cycle to and from work as i need to carry farm clothes as well as factory clothes. as a result, my mental state has slipped. I find my self sitting crying for hours. I miss my daughter so much i feel physically sick. When she comes to stay, its great till she has to leave and I'm foetal on the bed crying for hours. it feels like my heart has been ripped out. Then my dear friends and family members ask me whats wrong? do you want to talk? so i say Yeah, my doctor said i have to share my problems. but their responses are not really helpful. this is where i say FUCK YOU! and just clam up again.

So back to cycling i have turned today. I rode to work today. steady rid in. not too sweaty. coming home, i did 25 miles at 90% hrm(about 175. i buried myself. I hurt my self so much. i laid on the kitchen floor drifting in and out of consciousness. nearly four hours on my legs still shaking i write this. I was at my absolute limit. Not like the cycling i used to do. I save that my super-friend Mel. no, my cycling now is about focused emotions. I found this unique motivator on the Muur in Flanders. Almost in tears thinking about my daughter, i screamed yelled grunted and shouted my way up that hill to be met by Big-Kev and his welcoming arms. This is now how i cycle. My head empties briefly this fills with emotion. followed quickly by my fingers indexing through the cassette. no longer the averages of 13mph but now averages of 19, 20 and 21mph. No more walking on hills. No more granny rings. i mother fucking dominating you fuckers now.

But is this doing me any good? well i don't know. I'm physically drained after 'my' rides and i have a feeling of serenity as i lay shaking and hyperventilating on the floor. I have pain in my thighs I've not felt since playing top flight rugby. And, i feel i am venting my anger frustrations and emotion is a useful way. Rather than previously slicing my wrists, arms and body to shreds with a razor blade. The weight is dropping off me again. A culmination of 60hr weeks and riding so much harder. Physically I am doing brilliantly. Mentally? well, we'll see how we go. I had another tear filled night tonight talking to my best-friend Jo. She asked and well, i told her.

I may not speak as eloquently as my dear friend Simon Lamb on depression and cycling, but I speak from the heart. Cycling has helped me. Cycling is helping me. Cycling will continue to help me.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Tips for summer cycling

Well, it looks like summer is here. We have warm and sunny days and the nights are longer. Its time to get out there and get those tan-lines honed. I love this time of year. mostly because I look weird when I go to the Swimming pool with my daughter. its the time of year all cyclists long for. So, here is my informative and exhaustive list of tips to make riding in summer even more enjoyable.

what do you need?
  • Buy a good quality summer bike to sit along the winter bike you bought. You can pick up cheap ones for around £3999
  • Buy some good quality cycle clothing. A cheap entry level set from Assos should do expect to pay around £300 for a jersey.
Now you have all the equipment, how do you prepare for your ride?
  1. Rise early and have a hearty breakfast of croissants and espresso. We're European after all.
  2. Check the weather updates, you don't want to get caught out
  3. have your morning ablutions
  4. check weather reports in case its changed
  5. have another espresso...its the Italian way
  6. get the bike out of the man-cave(lady grottoes are also acceptable) Its looking like a proper bike shed now.
  7. tinker with the bike and check it is road worthy
  8. fit those super slick light weight summer tyres. we're gonna rip it up
  9. check tyre pressures
  10. check brakes
  11. check seat
  12. check paint
  13. check mate
  14. check weather reports
  15. decide which team kit you're going to wear.
  16. spend 29minutes trying to squeeze yourself in to your new Omega Pharma Lotto kit
  17. put your Aldi specials on. its all you have left that fits. The wife must have shrunk it. After all, we did lots of winter riding didn't we?
  18. hunt high and low for your left summer mitt. Where did i put it last August?
  19. Sod it! no gloves as you can't go out looking like Micheal Jackson.
  20. fill bidons with ice cube to keep the water chilled in this tropical heatwave
  21. put the base layer away we wont need that
  22. put the rain cape away we wont need that either
  23. only the shortest whitest socks will do.
  24. pull on your new white Garene carbon shoes
  25. one last espresso
  26. check weather? no its summer it'll be glorious
  27. Head outside
  28. FUCK! Its hailing sideways. I swear i saw a penguin fly past
  29. ring mates - sod it they've all bailed
  30. go to tesco with the wife-thing. its still exercise
  31. tell your mates "oh yeah got in a nice 100 today"

This is not an exhaustive list but i think you find it ultimately useful.

Reasons to cycle to work

As if we need a reason to work? But, apparently some folk do need a reason to cycle to work.

  1. it gets you fit
  2. it saves you money
  3. makes you healthier
  4. you'll live longer
  5. it makes you more attractive to the opposite sex
  6. It makes you more attractive to the same sex
  7. its free training you can kick your mates ass on sunday
  8. you see stuff you dont see in cars
    • i saw an owl hunting
    • i saw a big giant furry catapillar
    • i saw a deer
    • i saw a weasel
    • i saw saw a fox kill a rabbit
    • i saw a badger
  9. you get to buy more cycling kit
  10. you get to buy more bikes(i have 3 now)
  11. you can eat more chocolate and crisps